1. The Reverse Overlap
The Reverse Overlap is the most common of putting grips. Apply your left hand to the putter grip and then, just beneath, rest your right hand around the putter grip. Link both your hands by lifting the index finger of your left hand and wrapping it over the fingers of your right hand.
2. The Vardon grip
The Overlapping grip, also known as Vardon Overlap, is the most common grip among professional players. It takes its name from Harry Vardon who popularized this grip around the turn of the 20th Century. The little finger of the non-dominant hand (the one placed lower on the club, i.e. the right hand for a right-handed player) is placed between the index and middle finger of the lead hand (the dominant hand, the hand placed above). The lead (top) hand thumb fits along the lifeline of the trailing (bottom) hand.
3. The Left-hand-low grip
The Left-hand-low-grip (also known as Cross-handed, Crossover or Cack-handed) is basically the reverse of the traditional golf putting grip. This grip suggests placing your left hand (for right-handers) below the right hand. Both hands are linked by wrapping the index finger of the right hand across the fingers of the left hand.
4. The Interlock grip
The little finger of the non-dominant (lower) hand is intertwined with the index finger of the lead (higher) hand. The lead hand thumb fits in the lifeline of the trailing hand.
5. The Claw grip
The Claw Grip (also known as Gator grip) is one of the most unusual golf putting grips where the fingers of the bottom hand are on top of the grip rather than on the bottom (similar to a violin grip), and the hand is hooked in place by wrapping the right thumb around and underneath the grip. The form described by the thumb and the rest of the fingers reminds of a lobster’s pincer or claw, hence the name. The left hand is placed on the putter grip in the traditional way. This style of putting grip forces the left hand to take the lead, eliminating the feeling of the wrists breaking down in the stroke. A slight variation of the claw grip is the Phillip Price’s grip where the fingers of the right rest diagonally across the side of the grip. Another variation is the Psycho grip or DiMarco grip in which the right hand holds the grip as if it were a handle, and the left hand grips the club conventionally.
6. The Two Fingers Down grip
The Two-fingers-down-grip is a simple variation of the traditional putting grip. Both hands are wrapped around the putter grip so that it rests in the palms again, but with both index fingers pointing straight down the side of the putter grip.
7. Split-handed grip
In the Split-handed grip hands are held split from each other. The player can alternate left-hand low and right-hand low. Ideally, the fingers of the upper hand should touch the forearm of the lower hand.
8. Bernhard Langer’s grip
To form the Langer grip place your left hand at the lowest point on the putting grip so that the inside of the left forearm is held tight against the shaft and point your index finger down the shaft. Now add your right hand at the top of the grip so that the fingers touch the back of your left arm and your thumb rests just above the wrist joint of the left arm. This grip takes the hands out of the stroke allowing you to rely entirely on the more controllable motion of the shoulders.
9. The box grip
The Box grip is one of the most recent of golf putting grip that only appeared in the last couple of years. Both hands are placed side by side, level with each other on the grip, so that the shoulders are level. The left hand should be placed at the top of the grip with the index finger running down the side of the grip and the right hand alongside it, about and inch lower, so that the hands form a kind of box.
10. Palms facing grip
The Palms facing grip is a neutral-hand position grip popularized by Vijay Singh. This grip suggests holding your putter in such a way that your palms are almost facing, with your right hand only slightly further down the club than your left. Your thumbs should be resting partially on the side of the club.
11. The Pencil grip
The Pencil grip is used with a long putter. The right hand holds the putter like a pencil and the left hand it put on top of the grip at the extreme hand of the club.
12. Ten Finger Putting Grip
The Ten finger putting grip or Baseball Putting Grip, is one of the three most common grips used at level (together with overlap and interlock), even though the least common of the three. It was more common in earlier days of the sport when the putting greens weren’t as smooth, quick and predictable as today. The ten finger grip would then maximize feel. For the same reason this grip is also recommended to players with smaller, weaker hands.
See also:
Improve your putting
Learn to put and keep Strokes in your Bag
Select the perfect Putter
A good Thinking Head makes a Better Golfer
Health Tips for Buying Golf Shoes